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Charming Goldfinches

I am extremely privileged to have a view of the tree tops where I sit from my vantage in the loft, at my desk to work. I see many birds flying to and fro on the garden highway to the best feeding spots and bird tables: robins, blackbirds, great tits, willow tits, blue tits, chaffinch, greenfinch, bullfinch and this wonderful troop of goldfinch.

There are so many of goldfinch at the moment and they are an absolute delight.

I've been trying to get a photo for while now but they a flighty things and often on the move. Today I was charmed as a family finally sat for some time, eating and preening in the cherry tree, flitting to and from the shrubbery a few metres away.

These little birds have sometimes been known in Shropshire as 'lady of the twelve flounces' or 'the Sheriff's man', 'Foolscoat' in Norfolk and 'Gooldspink' in Scotland.

What wonderful names!

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